Mr. Crumplebottom (Never Appeared)
Mrs. Crumplebottom (Never Appeared)
Mr. Goth (Never Appeared)
Mrs. Goth (Never Appeared)
Mr. Caliente (Never Appeared)
Mrs. Caliente (Never Appeared)
Mr. Crumplebottom* (Never Appeared)
Mrs. Crumplebottom (Never Appeared)
Simon Crumplebottom (The Sims 2 & The Sims 3)
Prudence Crumplebottom (The Sims 2 & The Sims 3)
Victor Goth (The Sims 2 & The Sims 3)
Gretle Goth (The Sims 2 & The Sims 3)
Samuel Goth (The Sims 3: Supernatural)
Olivia Goth (The Sims 3: Supernatural)
Grandpa / Milton Bachelor (The Sims & The Sims 3)
Grandma / Enriqueta Bachelor (The Sims & The Sims 3)
Dulcinea Caliente (The Sims 2)
Nestor Caliente (The Sims 2)
Pollination Technician 7 (The Sims 2)
Tariq Al Mahmoud (The Sims 2)
Benazir Al Mahmoud (The Sims 2)
Doreen Caliente* (The Sims 3: Supernatural)
Doreen's Husband* (Never Appeared)
Mr. Clamp* (Never Appeared)
Mrs. Clamp* (Never Appeared)
Beatrice Crumplebottom (The Sims 3: Supernatural)
Belinda Crumplebottom (The Sims 3: Supernatural)
Bianca Crumplebottom (The Sims 3: Supernatural)
Belinda's Husband* (Never Appeared)
Miss Crumplebottom / Agnes Crumplebottom (The Sims: Hot Date, The Sims 2 & The Sims 3)
Erik Darling (The Sims 3)
Cornelia Goth (The Sims: Unleashed, The Sims 2 & The Sims 3)
Gunther Goth (The Sims: Unleashed, The Sims 2 & The Sims 3)
Lolita Goth* (The Sims 3)
Frida Goth (The Sims 2 & The Sims 3: Supernatural)
Jocasta Bachelor (The Sims 2 & The Sims 3)
Simis Bachelor (The Sims 2 & The Sims 3)
Vegas* (The Sims)
Auntie* (The Sims)
Uncle* (The Sims)
Tango Caliente (The Sims 2)
Flamenco Caliente (The Sims 2)
Nighat Caliente (The Sims 2)
Serena Durwood (The Sims 3: Supernatural)
Rick Durwood (The Sims 3: Supernatural)
Mr. Clamp* (Never Appeared)
Mrs. Clamp* (Never Appeared)
Mrs. Crumplebottom* (The Sims 2: Nightlife)
Robert Crumplebottom* (The Sims / Mentioned Only)
Mortimer Goth (The Sims, The Sims 2 & The Sims 3)
Menalous Goth (The Sims: Unleashed)
Hecuba Goth (The Sims: Unleashed)
Bella Bachelor / Bella Goth (The Sims, The Sims 2 & The Sims 3)
Michael Bachelor (The Sims, The Sims2 & The Sims3)
Cousin* (The Sims)
Bratty* (The Sims)
Boy* (The Sims)
Dina Caliente (The Sims 2 & The Sims 3: Store)
Nina Caliente (The Sims 2 & The Sims 3: Store)
Zoe Durwood (The Sims 3: Supernatural)
Zack Durwood (The Sims 3: Supernatural)
Elmira Clamp (MySims)
Mrs. Arneson (Never Appeared)
Mr. Arneson (Never Appeared)
Cassandra Goth (The Sims & The Sims 2)
Alexander Goth (The Sims 2 & The Sims 3: DS)
Cecilia Goth (The Sims 3: DS)
Ian Arneson (MySims)
Bella Goth** (The Sims 3: Store)
Mathilde Goth** (The Sims 3: Store)
*It is not fully known where on the family tree they belong, so I used my best guess.
**Stranded on a foreign planet after their spaceship became disabled,
the survivors utilized homeworld technology and newly-discovered crystal tech
to survive at the edge of space. As the generations have progressed these intrepid
Sims built roads, developed agriculture, and established a thriving colony