Uqquz' Zekul-Mshqx / Demo Man (MOTUC)
Horde Lord (DC Comics)
Lord Nikolas Powers / Faceless One (MVC Comics) and (MYP Cartoon) and (MOTUC Bios)
Lord Bryon of the House of Swann (MVC Comics / Q&A)
Anillis Kur / Horde Prime (Filmation Cartoons) and (UK Comics) AND (MOTUC Bios)
Zodac Zur (Almost All Sources) and (DC Comics)
Hec-Tor Kur / Hordak (Almost All Sources)
Grayskull's Brother (MOTUC Bios)
King D'Vann Grayskull (MYP Cartoon)
Queen Veena (MYP Cartoon)
Beatrix / Light Spinner / Shadow Weaver (Almost All Sources) and (DC Comics)
Saryn (MOTUC Bios) and (MYP Cartoon / Q&A) and (DC Comics)
Prince Gray / He-Ro (MOTU Mini-Comics) and (DC Comics)
Queen Xerxa* (World I.P. Annuals Books)
King Elden (Filmation Cartoons)
King Valnar (Filmation Cartoons)
King Freenorn (Filmation Cartoons)
Miro's Grandfather (Filmation Cartoons)
Miro's Father (Filmation Cartoons)
King Miro (Filmation Cartoons) and (MYP Cartoon) and (MOTUC Bios)
Miro's Wife (MOTUC Mini-Comics)
Amaxa's Mother (World I.P. Annuals Books)
Shakra (Filmation Cartoons)
Malcom / Fisto (MYP Cartoon) and (MOTUC Bios)
Duncan / Man-At-Arms (Almost All Sources)
Teela's Father** (Filmation Cartoon) and (MYP Cartoon)
Teela-Na / Sorceress (Almost All Sources)
Lady Evelyn Morgan Powers / Evil Lyn (Almost All Sources)
Prince Keldor of the house of Miro / Skeletor (Minicomics / Q&A) and (MYP Cartoon / Q&A) and (MOTUC Bios)
King Randor of the house of Miro (Almost All Sources)
Queen Marlena Glenn (Almost All Sources)
King Stefen(Filmation Cartoons)
Royal Sister (World I.P. Annuals Books)
King Sullei* (World I.P. Annuals Books)
The Prophetess* (World I.P. Annuals Books)
Queen Amaxa (World I.P. Annuals Books)
The Falcon (She-Ra)
Kay-La* (He-Ro Son of He-man)
Teela (He-Ro Son of He-man) and (Almost All Sources)
King Adam of the House of Randor / He-Man (Almost All Sources)
Princess Adora of the House of Randor/ Captain Despara / She-Ra (Almost All Sources)
Prince Dal (Filmation Cartoons)
Prince Jeremy* (Filmation Cartoons)
Prince Michael (World I.P. Annuals Books)
Goras* (German Audio Plays)
Lady Edwina* (He-Man Filmation Cartoon)
Runalf* (Masters of the Universe Storybook)
Yaine* (Masters of the Universe Storybook)
Prince Zed (Filmation Cartoons)
Captain Jeoff Blithe / Seahawk (He-Ro Son of He-man) and (She-Ra)
Prince Deon / Skeleteen (MOTUC Bios / Q&A) and (MOTUC Mini-Comics)
Prince Dare / He-Ro*** (MOTUC) and (He-Ro Son of He-man)
It is not fully known where on the family tree they belong, so I used my best guess.
According to the Original Mini-comics and MOTUC Bios, Teela is a clone of Teela-Na created by Skeletor's Magic.
Also according to MYP Q&A it was revealed that Teela's Father was going to be revealed as Fisto.
In the Filmation Cartoon, Teela's Father was never revealed, but he was a great hero that died in battle.
According to MOTUC Dare is the son of Adam and Teela.
In the rejected He-Ro Son of He-Man Cartoon he was going to be Adora and Seahawk's real son and Adam's adopted son.
Special thanks to
gbagok of the
He-Man.org Forums for letting me use his artwork of
Lord Nikolas Powers and Lord Bryon of the House of Swann.
Special thanks to
danbrenus of the
He-Man.org Forums for letting me use his artwork of
Zodac Zur.